As a professional in the carpet cleaning industry, I have seen firsthand the damage that pet urine can cause to carpets and rugs. Not only does it leave unsightly stains, but it also leaves behind a strong and unpleasant odor. That's why we offer a specialized pet odor removal service as part of our carpet cleaning services. Our guarantee is to completely eliminate any type of pet odor from your carpets and rugs, thanks to our specially created formula that targets and breaks down the proteins and molecules responsible for stains and odors.
This formula, known as P. U. R. T., has been proven to be more effective than store-bought products and other cleaning systems used by other companies.Instead of simply masking the odor, we actually destroy the chemical compounds that cause it.
In fact, an independent laboratory study showed that our pet urine removal treatment removes an average of 99.9% of pet urine odors from carpets. During the testing process, these compounds were virtually eliminated from the carpet samples, making our treatment more effective than any other on the market.But how exactly does our pet odor removal service work? Let's take a closer look at each step of the cleaning process. The first step is to locate any hidden urine stains. Many times, these deposits are invisible or difficult to detect under regular lighting, making it challenging for homeowners to pinpoint the source of the odor.
That's why we use a special UV light to find these hidden stains before we even begin cleaning.Our team of experts is trained to treat pet stains on various surfaces, including sofas, armchairs, mattresses, and other upholstered items. We also offer upholstery cleaning services for those in need. When treating a urine stain on carpets or upholstery, it's essential to act quickly. Here's what we recommend:- Wipe the stain dry with a clean cloth or paper towels to absorb as much urine as possible.- Apply a clean, dry cloth or paper towels to the stain and press firmly to absorb any remaining liquid.
Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push it deeper into the fibers.- Repeat this process until no more liquid is absorbed.- Rinse the area lightly with water.- Moisten a clean cloth or paper towel and apply it to the stain until the area is damp. Be careful not to use too much water, as this can cause the urine to penetrate deeper into the carpet.- Dry the area thoroughly until the carpet is completely dry.- Repeat steps two and three until there are no visible stains or odors remaining.While this process is usually effective on fresh stains, it may not work as well if the urine has already accumulated or leaked onto the padding or subfloor. This is why it's crucial to address pet accidents as soon as possible. But why are pet urine stains and odors so challenging to remove in the first place?One common mistake that homeowners make is using steam cleaners to clean pet urine.
However, we strongly discourage this practice, as steam cleaning uses large amounts of water that can cause urine crystals to penetrate deeper into the floor. Not only that, but it can also permanently worsen the odor. This is why our P. T.
treatment is a much more effective and safe solution for eliminating pet odors from carpets and upholstery.But how does our pet odor removal service compare to other pet carpet cleaners on the market? The answer is simple: P. has been proven to eliminate over 99.9% of pet urine odors from carpets, making it one of the most effective treatments available. And unlike other products that only mask the odor temporarily, our formula targets and breaks down the compounds that cause the odor, ensuring a long-lasting solution.One of the most common questions we receive is how long the P. process takes.
The good news is that it starts working immediately upon application and continues to eliminate odors for 24 to 36 hours until the product is completely dry. And while our treatment is specifically designed for dog and cat urine, it can also be used on other types of urine stains.If you're dealing with a urine stain on your carpets or upholstery, don't hesitate to contact your local Chem-Dry company for help. Our hot carbonated extraction (HCE) cleaning process is designed to remove liquid and loose urine crystals from carpet fibers, leaving your carpets fresh and clean. We do not recommend self-cleaning for difficult stains, as it can damage the texture and color of your carpets.
Instead, trust a professional carpet cleaning company to get rid of pet stains and odors effectively and safely.In conclusion, if you're looking for the best way to eliminate pet odors from your home, our pet odor removal service is the answer. Don't let pet accidents ruin your carpets and upholstery any longer. Contact us today for a quote and experience the difference that P. can make in your home.